A Europe of Nations.

European Union flag in Romania

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The Eurocrats are very fond of the word “democracy,” but they consistently oppose democratic procedures when these would present an obstacle to their plans: “With the Lisbon Treaty, you didn’t let a single nation other than the Irish vote, and when the Irish said no, you bribed them into compliance.” If Willinger* were a little older, he would remember a similar technique applied to Denmark in 1992 when it failed to ratify the Maastricht treaty. Where possible, the EU leadership prefers to avoid referenda altogether:

You know quite well that the peoples of Europe don’t share your opinions. It’s precisely for that reason that you won’t let us decide about the things that are truly important. You’ve made a mockery of democracy and stripped it of its substance, and now you dare to represent your critics as enemies of democracy.

For Europe’s leaders, democracy is a vague set of “values,” not a decision-making procedure. If 80 percent of their subjects reject something which they consider “democratic,” they see no contradiction in saying that 80 percent of their subjects are insufficiently democratic. Recently, when the Swiss voted against mass immigration, the EU leadership responded with attempts to intimidate the population with talk of economic reprisals. When there was talk of a referendum on Scottish independence,

you answer with objections, clauses that must be obeyed, and put up bureaucratic hurdles. This stunt was a far-reaching, thoroughly repugnant attempt to intimidate the Scots, and to fill them with terror of what might happen of they say ‘yes.’ What happens if these peoples develop a taste for democracy, and eventually can even vote on mass immigration, or—oh the horror!—even vote on you?

The one democratically elected EU institution is the European Parliament. But this is a charade; important decisions are not made in this parliament, which is

no more than an expensive rest home for politicians who have reached the end of their productive careers back home. As the euro you protected collapsed, it wasn’t the European Parliament or the European Commission that decided its fate, but the governments of Germany and France.

(The Occidental Observer, August 23, 2014).

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* Gregory Hood, “Waking Up from the American Dream: Markus Willinger’s Generation Identity,” Counter-Currents, July 8, 2013.
